It was a beautiful day today. It was sunny and not too cold, so the husband and I took E and the dogs out for a walk to enjoy the day and just get out of the house for a while. We live just outside a small historic town. There is this bike path that follows the creek and the scenery there is beautiful no matter the season. There is even a small waterfall a little off the path.
After we got back I cooked dinner and we sat down to watch a movie together "Mom's Night Out." If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. I related to the movie for a lot of reasons but a big theme is that we mothers are too hard on ourselves. We stress ourselves out to the point that we are almost depressed about being a failure. I personally get so stressed out that it puts me just that much closer to the edge of my patience and I end up getting upset with my kids that much easier. So while I don't think this is a New Years resolution so much as wake up call that I need to change some things. I want to work on me and make changes to make myself happier because I am the only on who can. So this is the direction I'm taking my blog and if along the way while you are reading this and it amuses you or inspires you then I'm glad I shared my crazy life with you.